Understand Basic Data Types in C# with Examples

In C# programming, data types play an important role in determining the type of data a variable can hold. Understanding basic data types is fundamental for any C# developer. In this article, we’ll delve into the essential data types in C# along with examples to illustrate their usage.

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What are Data Types in C#?

Data types in C# define the type and size of data that a variable can store. C# supports various data types, including primitive types and user-defined types.

Basic Data Types in C#

1. Integer Types:

  • int: Represents signed 32-bit integers. Example: int age = 30;
  • uint: Represents unsigned 32-bit integers. Example: uint count = 100;
  • short: Represents signed 16-bit integers. Example: short temperature = -10;
  • ushort: Represents unsigned 16-bit integers. Example: ushort quantity = 500;
  • long: Represents signed 64-bit integers. Example: long population = 1000000L;
  • ulong: Represents unsigned 64-bit integers. Example: ulong distance = 150000UL;

2. Floating-Point Types:

  • float: Represents single-precision floating-point numbers. Example: float height = 5.7f;
  • double: Represents double-precision floating-point numbers. Example: double pi = 3.14159;
  • decimal: Represents decimal numbers with higher precision. Example: decimal price = 99.99m;

3. Character Type:

  • char: Represents a single Unicode character. Example: char grade = 'A';

4. Boolean Type:

  • bool: Represents a boolean value (true or false). Example: bool isStudent = true;

5. String Type:

  • string: Represents a sequence of characters. Example: string name = "John Doe";

Examples and Usage:

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Integer Types
        int age = 30;
        uint count = 100;
        short temperature = -10;
        ushort quantity = 500;
        long population = 1000000L;
        ulong distance = 150000UL;

        // Floating-Point Types
        float height = 5.7f;
        double pi = 3.14159;
        decimal price = 99.99m;

        // Character Type
        char grade = 'A';

        // Boolean Type
        bool isStudent = true;

        // String Type
        string name = "John Doe";

        Console.WriteLine("Age: " + age);
        Console.WriteLine("Count: " + count);
        Console.WriteLine("Temperature: " + temperature);
        Console.WriteLine("Quantity: " + quantity);
        Console.WriteLine("Population: " + population);
        Console.WriteLine("Distance: " + distance);
        Console.WriteLine("Height: " + height);
        Console.WriteLine("Pi: " + pi);
        Console.WriteLine("Price: " + price);
        Console.WriteLine("Grade: " + grade);
        Console.WriteLine("Is Student: " + isStudent);
        Console.WriteLine("Name: " + name);

In this example, we’ve declared variables of various basic data types and assigned values to them. The Main method then prints out the values of these variables to the console.


Understanding basic data types is foundational in C# programming, as it allows developers to work with different kinds of data efficiently. By mastering these data types, developers can write robust and reliable C# code.

I hope this article helps you grasp the basics of data types in C# programming. Happy coding!

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