What are lambda expressions in C# with example?

Lambda expressions are a powerful and concise way to write anonymous methods or functions in C#. Defining internal functions provides a compact syntax to make the code more readable and efficient. In this article, we will learn what these are, how they works, and give an example to demonstrate its effective use.

Lambda Expressions
Lambda Expressions

Understanding Lambda Expressions in C#

A lambda-expression in C# is an anonymous function that can be used to create a delegate or express tree type. It allows you to write inline blocks of code without explicitly defining individual methods or functions.

Syntax of Lambda Expressions

Expression Lambda

An expression lambda has an expression as its body, like (z) => z * z

Statement Lambda

A statement lambda has a block of statements as its body, such as

(input-parameters) => { <sequence-of-statements> }

The syntax of a expression consists of parameters, the lambda operator (=>), and an expression or statement block. It follows the general format:

Action Lambda

This type of expression is used for methods that don’t return a value (void methods). For example:


Func Lambda

Func is a generic delegate type that represents a method that takes parameters and returns a value. You can define expressions using Func for different return types. For example

It has zero or more input parameters and one out parameter. 
Func in C# can take from 0 to 16 different types of input parameters. But it always needs an out parameter to hold the result.
image 1

In this example, a lambda expression named “add” is defined, which accepts two parameters, a and b, and calculates their sum. The lambda operator => is used to distinguish the parameter list from the expression.

Predicate Lambda

Predicate is a delegate type that’s perfect for methods needing one parameter and returning a boolean value. It’s commonly used in LINQ and collection operations. A lambda-expression checks if a given input meets certain conditions. For example

Predicate delegate takes one input parameter and boolean return type.
You can assign an anonymous method or a lambda expression to the predicate delegate.
image 2

In this case, an expression is utilized with the Where method to filter out even numbers from a list.

Note: Here, you can checkout our post on Understanding the Abstract Classes and Interfaces in C#
Note: Lambda expressions are great for writing compact and clear code, especially when you’re dealing with passing functions as arguments or creating quick inline functions instead of separate methods.

Key Points about Lambda Expressions

  1. Concise Syntax: Lambda-expressions offer a compact syntax for defining inline functions.
  2. Anonymous Functions: They are anonymous, lacking a name like typical methods or functions.
  3. Inferred Parameter Types: Compiler can infer parameter types, ensuring type safety with lambda expressions.
  4. Closure: Lambda-expressions can capture variables from the enclosing scope (closure), enabling greater flexibility and potency in code.

Advantages of Lambda Expressions

  • Enhanced Readability: Lambda-expressions enhance code readability and expressiveness, particularly in functional programming scenarios.
  • Improved Efficiency: They minimize boilerplate code and are applicable in LINQ queries and functional programming methodologies.
  • Flexibility: Lambda-expressions enable dynamic and adaptable code structures, empowering developers to create concise and sophisticated code.


In summary, lambda-expressions represent a significant asset in C# programming, providing a succinct and expressive method for defining inline functions. With a grasp of their syntax and benefits, developers can utilize lambda-expressions to create more streamlined and effective code across different situations.

I trust this article has effectively explained the concept of lambda-expressions in C#, catering to both novice and seasoned developers. Happy coding!

Here, You can refer to Microsoft’s online documentation , for more information.

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